Youths urged to have their say and vote


YOUTHS should not think their votes do not count and should participate in General Election 2022, Caritas Papua New Guinea (CPNG) director Mavis Tito says.
“Youths can help vote good leaders into Parliament for change and development with proper education and awareness,” she added.
Tito made the remarks at the launching of the Electoral Education and Awareness Programme conducted by CPNG in Port Moresby yesterday.
“In the last general election, statistics showed poor youth participation.
“Most youths did not vote (or cast their ballots) despite their eligibility. This cannot continue.
“They must exercise their democratic right to vote their leaders,” she added.
With the partnership of the Government and the Electoral Commission, Tito said CPNG was taking the lead to educate youths nationwide on their voting rights and responsibilities.
“They are just ignorant.
“We need to open up their minds.”