300 Lae residents get K2,000 as seed capital to start business


MORE than 300 Lae residents each received a K2,000 voucher yesterday as seed capital to start their small to medium business.
The vouchers were awarded following a recent basic training to equip each participant with business management skills.
Margreth Louie, a recipient, is one step closer to realising her dream.
Louie became a widow in 2016 after her husband passed away from lung cancer, leaving her to raise their six children.
She said without basic training on how to run a business, she struggled to look after her children on one income.
“I was not steady on one source of income,” she said.
“I used to sell donuts but seeing it required too much effort and dedication, I went on to sell betel nuts and cigarettes. However, I’m a heavy betel nut chewer so this habit affected my business.”
Trainer Julianne Terry, from the Lae small-medium enterprises incubator hub, said skills passed through their four sessions encouraged good attitude, discipline and responsibility.