84 did not signify national view


THE 84 individuals who voted in confidence for James Marape’s government as referred in The National on Feb 14 is hardly, by far, any indication that the majority of the eligible voting population of this country is of the same view.
Only a public opinion survey can reach an answer that may come to some truth of what the population may think.
It is now becoming obvious that the system of Government we are in now is working against the people and not for the good of the people. We will continue to have Government MP’s setting up their illegal companies or using existing companies only to steal money from the public purse.
It’s good to see someone of credibility, confidence, hard working with clear and logical mind with no past history of corrupt dealings like Allan Bird taking the challenge to be the alternative Prime Minister come the vote of no confidence in the current Government.
If the people are really serious and searching for a positive change, this is their golden opportunity. If this Government does not change, then the people must take the blame and not complain about Pangu Pati MPs continue to rule this country by feeding from the public purse that is supposed to be used to deliver quality health care and education to the people, create employment opportunities, subsidies high cost of basic food stuff and many more.
The pen is mightier than the sword.
Let’s hear it from the public.

John H Manau