Public servants agree to stop gender-based violence at work

Youth & Careers

Male public servants have committed to taking a leadership role in responding to and preventing gender-based violence in the workplace.
This follows a four-day male advocacy training programme from April 3-6 in which 15 male public servants learnt the role they could play in addressing gender-based violence at work.
The database manager and business analyst at the Internal Revenue Commission, Jack Wale, said the programme helped him see the importance of the role of men in addressing gender issues. “At the Internal Revenue Commission we are trying to make the workplace safe and secure for our female staff,” Wale said.
“This training has given me first-hand knowledge on the impact of gender inequality and gender-based violence and how to respond to these challenges.
“I have two daughters and it made me consider how I want my girls to be treated – to be free to succeed in whatever they want to do.”
Gotch Mou, the principal adviser, employment conditions and industrial relations, at the Department of Prime Minister and National Executive Council, said the practice of gender equity and social inclusion could improve performance.
“The training addressed misconduct and negative attitudes in the workplace, including sexual advances, playfulness and unwanted attention between male and female colleagues,” Mou said.
“We broke down the meaning of gender-related issues at the workplace. I can now use these correctly in my work when dealing with issues or report writing.” The acting secretary of the Department of Personnel Management, Taies Sansan, said the National Public Service had a vital role to play on gender issues.
“Gender-based violence and gender inequality are major challenges for Papua New Guinea,” she said.
The training programme was supported by the Australian Government in partnership with the Government of Papua New Guinea through the Pacific Leadership and Governance Precinct to support the development of ethical and capable public sector.