Awareness lacking


WHILE we appreciate the Government’s tough call on enacting the state of emergency (SOE) to combat and protect citizens from the deadly coronavirus, it has failed us with the lack of awareness.
It has failed by not making sure that we are fully aware and adequately informed on the impact of the coronavirus and how to avoid this pandemic.
What are some of the likely repercussions Covid-19 will bring to our normal lives when it was first detected in China?
It’s an unpredictable situation however safety is a normal protocol of life.
It is inappropriate for the Government to force people to adhere to safety instructions within the sudden SOE lockdown period.
Declaring a SOE and giving instant directives have created panic and confusion.
It can trigger violence as some of the restrictions have taken away peoples’ income source especially in the informal sector.
Some businesses have stood down their employees and we are anticipating more during the next two months.
We cannot always say that our government is always doing the right thing to protect us.
We have the right to point out our Government’s weaknesses.
In situations like this, our government should always be ready and prepared rather than last minute short cuts.

Hanam Bill Sand,