Accept new administrator


THE new appointment to the provincial administrator’s position for Western Highlands is a way forward.
The new provincial administrator appointed by the National Executive Council should be given the opportunity and support to drive changes needed in the province.
It is time the court battle for the administrator’s position be put away and give the administrative affairs of the province to the new provincial administrator.
Most times, court battles over executive positions hinder progress of work in provinces.
I appeal to the Western Highlands executive council to work with the new administrator to get the province running in this tough time.
It is premature to judge his capabilities and the legality of his appointment.
Only time will tell.
A good judgment would be based on the outcome of his performance during his term in office.
We can’t afford further court battles as that won’t be helpful for the province.
Let us do things differently this time.
This is not the time to fight over positions.

Big Joe, Via Email