Address rise in law and order issues


THERE seems to be a sudden increase in law and order problems.
We have seen reports about violence in different parts of the country.
There are killings, women are being abused and many other crimes are reported on a daily basis.
The average Papua New Guinean cannot do much except standing helplessly in fear of their lives.
We appeal to all law enforcement agencies to do foot patrol around parts of our cities and towns.
We don’t need law enforcers to do patrol in their vehicles everyday.
Why can’t we have only a few officers in the vehicle while the rest do foot patrol?
On the other hand, it seems people are not afraid of the police.
I believe there should be a joint operation with members of the PNG Defence Force to address crime.
Let’s ensure criminals are dealt with.
Everyone is tired of being in fear.
Most of the ones in fear of their lives are hardworking Papua New Guineans who pay taxes.
This tax goes to the Government, MPs and the law and enforcement agencies to ensure we are safe.
We deserve every right to feel safe.
We cannot expect our mothers, daughters and sisters to continuously look over their shoulders in fear of their safety.
We should identify the root problems and address them.

Concerned Citizen