Administrator charged with official corruption


CENTRAL deputy administrator Edward Kila has been charged with official corruption and misappropriation of funds belonging to the province’s LNG landowners, acting NCD Met Supt Christopher Tamari says.
“He has been charged with abuse of office, corruption and conspiracy to defraud and misuse of these funds that belong to the landowners for Portion 152 where the LNG plant is located in Hiri,” Supt Tamari said.
He said Kila was out on K1,000 bail and was expected to appear before the Waigani District Court this week.
Other senior provincial administration officers are also under investigation.
Supt Tamari said yesterday that Kila was accused of colluding with other officers in the provincial administration to abuse a total of K34 million over a period of time.
The money was for the infrastructure development grant (IDG) for portion 152 near Papa and Lealea villages.
The funds were supposed to be spent on infrastructure projects at Porebada, Boera, Papa and Lealea villages but Kila and others were alleged to have diverted the funds to be spent in other parts of the province.
Tamari said as the investigation progressed, more arrests would be expected.

One thought on “Administrator charged with official corruption

  • No wonder our roads have been deteriorating and hospitals are undersupplied and law enforcement agencies don’t have support. No spin off activities whatsoever…what has the government of central province done for us with our money for portion 152? Don’t come back in the next general elections!

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