Agriculture must be top priority


I WRITE to express my deep concern regarding the current state of affairs in Papua New Guinea, and the urgent need for a shift in development priorities.
The time has come for PNG to prioritise agriculture as its number one development agenda, shaping its short to long-term plans and strategies from 2024 onwards.
Despite being the backbone of our nation, agriculture has received nothing more than lip service from the current Government.
It is time to recognise the immense potential of agriculture in driving economic growth, creating jobs, and generating wealth for our people.
With cocoa, coconut, coffee, rubber, spices, and livestock as our foundation export commodities, PNG has a solid platform to build upon.
As we grapple with Forex shortages, inflation and social unrest, the answer lies in a renewed focus on agriculture and small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
We have the ideal climate and fertile soil, coupled with a vast workforce and arable land awaiting cultivation.
What we lack is visionary leadership willing to prioritise agriculture and provide the necessary support and incentives for its growth.

Reginald Renagi