Allocate poultry market in city


WE have heard a lot about Taking Back PNG.
This slogan expresses many areas which PNG will need to take back and one major area is economic empowerment.
PNG has been a spectator on its own playing field.
I won’t be surprised to see an Asian selling betel nut and cigarettes in the streets of PNG.
We have been reaped off but the Government is doing something important to take back our economy.
For us to be free economically, we need to start small.
One of the way forward is empowering and encouraging the Small Medium Enterprises (SME) sector.
Therefore, can the National Capital District Commission (NCDC) create a poultry section in the main markets in the city?
It is sad to see there is no chicken markets in National Capital District (NCD).
Most protein consumers are in NCDC and Central.
People are buying imported chickens from the stores.
This is not encouraging SMEs because those farmers can’t sale their chicken in a proper market.
It is about time authorities do something to carter for this sector to empower our local economy.
Take Back PNG by providing conducive environment for our small people to sell their produce.

Albert Peter Alo

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