ANZ staff share mood of festivities with sick girl

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NOT everyone will be at home celebrating Christmas this weekend but the spirit of the festive season and the sharing of love is never missing.
Eleven-year-old Sharon Young is spending Christmas at the Port Moresby General Hospital – away from home in Gulf – because she is sick.
She has been there for the past two months.
Mum Emma keeps her company at the children’s ward in the hospital.
Sharon’s spirit was lifted when she received a Christmas gift from staff of the Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) Bank Habour City branch who visited the ward.
The gifts brought smiles to the young faces – including Sharon’s.
The gifts were shared by children admitted at Wards 1B, 1D, 1E and the emergency ward.
ANZ team leader Fredah Bingeding said it was good to celebrate Christmas with the group of children who would be away from home and their families.