Apec summit


THE city of Port Moresby is going through a period of radical transformation unrivalled in the history of this country.
It is a shimmering jewel rising out of the vast emptiness of the Pacific.
The allure of an emerging metropolis with the glitter of the bright lights is almost irresistible.
Rural Papua New Guineans by the hundreds migrate to the city of promise every year.
This beautiful city which we are so proud of is going to play host to one of the biggest international meets of all time.
Great artists and poets down the ages have created lasting impressions about the great cities of the world.
Paris is said to be the capital of the art world.
It is also the fashion capital of the world.
So what can our jewel in the Pacific become in the future?
Our city has to become the centre of some important cultural or economic activity apart from the fact that it is the capital of Papua New Guinea.
Apart from the fact that it is the one place most of us want to be when the going gets tough in our rural villages, Port Moresby must become the birthplace of an idea or an invention.
The Apec summit is finally on its way.
World leaders are going to gather here on our doorstep for this important international conference.
Hosting an international conference of such tremendous significance is a great honour for a country that is very young in the eyes of the world.
We want to showcase all the good things that our country has to offer.
As the world’s great and powerful congregate here, we must not relent in our willingness to tell the world what really is at the heart of the matter – the dreams and aspirations of our people.
Sometimes one wonders if this great meeting of world leaders is going to change the way we do things in this country.
The road to a brighter future is a long one but we can all get there with relentless commitment.

Paul Wauglaa