Appreciate your origin


We have seen 22 provinces in PNG celebrated their provincial days in Port Moresby, lifting up their flags.
People from all walks of life from those provinces congregate together to celebrate.
So many activities happen during the celebration; both good and bad.
The idea of the provincial day is to celebrate and showcase where they came from – their origin.
We are proud of where we come from. Do we really understand where we come from?
Every manufactured product has a manual which contains a set of instructions, giving us an insight to the product.
The Bible says in Genesis 2:7 (KJV): And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. The man is the product of the word of God and man comes from the dust.
Man came from the dust and will return to the dust.
From this insight, one could understand and celebrate the earth day because this is where you came from, the same way you will be returning. No man is a superhero, the fact is; you carry around dust.
You carry a food for the worms and microbes.
No one is escaping from death.
Death is a process for you to follow and return to your origin.
You can commit crime and run away from police or the law of the land but be reminded that you cannot run from death.
Let this fact sink into our minds and hearts; one day you were born and one day you will die.

Albert Peter Alo