Make good choices


THE choices that we make will affect our lives later. A choice is what someone decides.
What type of choices you want – decide to become a leader, having relationship or taking drug, smoking, chewing betel nuts, it will affect us in different ways.
People make choices to become who they want to be; you have the right and ownership to make choices.
What you want as an adult or teenager, your decisions are more important and personal choices because you yourself choose to be.
You will decide to take drug because you are under stress, that’s your decision to choose.
But sometimes our parents disagree with the choices that we make of chewing betel nut, smoking, drinking alcohol.
The decision and choices are painful because the choices you choose will live with you for the rest of your life, the choices to get married, taking drug, chewing betel nut, smoke or drink alcohol.
We must make good decision and choices in life so that we could live longer on this earth.

Jessica Gorukari, 8 Cii,
Wardstrip Demonstration School