Bail bid on medical ground fails


A JUDGE has rejected a bail application by a man who wants to seek medical treatment outside prison because medical facilities are available inside.
The application was submitted by lawyer Agnes Peter on behalf of Robert Wai who is facing a car theft charge. She said Wai had been remanded at Bomana Prison since April and was denied medical treatment.
She claimed that Wai was allegedly assaulted when he was arrested.
Justice Panuel Mogish told Peter from the Office of the Public Solicitor last Friday that some people pretended to go to the hospital then escaped.
“Bomana has its own facilities. An application of such matter should have an affidavit from Bomana’s health extension officer because it is only when such matters are out of their capacities then they refer them to the hospital,” Justice Mogish said.
“Without these documents, we do not know if his rights had been violated. I suggest you go to the human rights court.”
Peter submitted that Wai was shot at by police during his arrest and was denied medical treatment in prison. She said a doctor who heard about Wai’s injuries went to treat him in jail. But the doctor is a busy person and could not attend to Wai regularly at Bomana, she said.
“At this time the charges against my client are only mere allegations,” Peter said.