Ban porn, protect our morals


THERE must be a complete ban on all porn sites in Papua New Guinea for the good of its citizens.
Access to these sites will have detrimental effects to a user’s wellbeing.
Porn-watching will have a negative effect on those who may be watching it.
Porn is addictive when watched regularly for a prolonged period of time.
Watching porn releases an addictive chemical called dopamine.
Dopamine, when released, stimulates the body which has a similar effect like a drug.
A neurotransmitter chemical, dopamine does have good health benefits when released in a required amount – it helps soothe stress and relieves the body from hypertension.
However, when released too often, it can will have adverse effects on one’s health.
We can literally see the side-effects of porn watching happening right around the country.
One of which is the spike in rape, incest and adultery which has flooded police stations and courts.
It’s very prevalent right throughout PNG and we have started to accept this as a norm.
But when we start to see such illicit activities as normal, this indicates a sign of moral decay.
Thus, it is unhealthy for PNG to continue on the trend and address this issue at the root level.
Many women and girls are the silent victims of the rape and incest.
PNG has been labelled a “Christian Nation” and we should be responsible and live up to that title.
But we haven’t been doing our part.
And one area where we’ve failed is by allowing porn sites to be accessed by Papua New Guineans as well as those who live within PNG.
Some drastic measures need to be taken in order to address this escalating immoral issue.
The Government needs to get their priorities in check and block porn sites once and for all.
We have to live up to the Bible principles and its standards.
PNG needs to decide what’s best for its citizens and remove some toxic substances affecting our communities – physically and morally.

Maru Igabi