Banab locals call on govt to replace fallen bridge

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NORTH Coast road users in Madang are using a bamboo bridge to cross the Banab River but want the authorities to fast-track the construction of the collapsed bridge.
The bridge collapsed early in January while a semi-trailer carrying an excavator was on it.
Matugar village leader Jeffery Patal, whose village is next to the bridge, said hundreds of people were struggling to transport their cargo across the river.
“We are still using the bamboo bridge to cross,” he said.
He said most people were not aware if a contract to construct the bridge had been awarded.
“What matters most to the bridge users is that the bridge is fixed quickly so that people can start using it,” he said.
Madang’s national works manager Andrew Kendaura said they were about to begin work on the bridge when the contract was awarded to a private construction company.
Meanwhile, Karkar island service provider Atis Deme said the lack of a proper bridge was not fair on locals struggling every day to transport their produce to town to sell.
Deme said local farmers depended on cocoa and copra to generate income to meet school fees and other necessities.