Basil must continue to fight for the people

Letters, Normal

I REFER to your front page report about government MPs receiving K2 million each so they do not switch camp (Aug 12).
As a young Papua New Guinean, I am ashamed to read about such things happening in our country.
Such information would not have leaked out if Sam Basil was not around.
Although I am not from Bulolo, I would like to commend Basil for bringing services to his electorate.
The member has shown his leadership qualities, courage and determination to fight for the poor and silent majority of this country.
Basil is a first-time MP and he has already put many so-called veteran MPs to shame.
In order for PNG to further develop and prosper with our wealth like oil, gas, coffee, gold, timber, etc, we need visionary leaders.
Our MPs are supposed to represent the people and fight for them, not look for their own personal interest.
We do not need leaders who go to parliament and become rubber stamps.
PNG needs visionary leaders like the Basils, Parkops, Marats and Philemons to develop PNG and compete with the rest of the world.
I urge Basil to continue to do what he is doing and set an example for present and future MPs to follow.


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