Basketball to help youths in NCD


THE National Capital District Amateur Basketball Association will begin its competition next month, with eight teams still battling it out in the pre-season.
Competition sponsors John Kapi Natto and his wife Vonnie said they saw the need to give the sport a boost and used their resources to push the association forward.
“I really want to see good model basketball associations in the country,” Vonnie said.
“I’ve been travelling around the Highlands and Lae, and it’s sad to say that basketball is dying.”
She said when the association started its pre-season, it was good to see a lot of children arriving on time for the games on Saturdays.
Vonnie said she was concerned about the lives of youths who were involved in activities not beneficial to them and their community.
She said this had led her to use basketball as a tool to change their attitudes.
“I just want to see all of you become better citizens of your country,” Vonnie said.
She urged players to be ambassadors of the association by behaving well throughout the competition.