Be careful with laws favouring women


WE will create a time bomb if women’s rights and gender equality are allowed to rule men out of the position of authority.
It’s sad that what was created to protect societies is turning out to be the enemy, costing the lives of many women.
Many men have fallen into being abusers.
The man thinks he can alter what is unchangeable to address issues between relationships and marriages.
In God’s order, man remains the supreme creation.
So the fight to make women equal is a direct breach of an irrevocable order.
Many customs and traditional beliefs respect that order.
It is rooted in our systems.
This order will remain embedded in our systems for a while even though we hope for things to change.
We are wrong in thinking that man will change overnight, even in a time when laws and systems are favouring women.
In a Melanesian society, this will only create problems.
That is why laws favouring women are only fuelling violence and discrimination against women instead of protecting them.
That is because men are being robbed of their authority to rule.
The laws that favour women are implying that all married women can sleep with another man and their husband will never do anything.
If the woman is beaten, the man goes to jail and the wife is free regardless of the crime she commits.
These laws are encouraging more woman to be unruly and wayward in their manner.
Therefore, more women will die at the hands of their jealous and angry husbands because that is how the law wants it to be. Recently, we’ve seen in an increase in violence against women, which is sad, but we need to know why that is happening.
We cry out for justice but the Government should review this and make some changes to the rules. Let us not be influenced by the outside world all the time but create our own rules in our own unique way in order to live peacefully.

Tonny Guan,
Kondan Baundo-Simbaix