Be proud of Mt Wilhelm brand name

Letters, Normal

WHILE going through some old newspapers, I came across an article entitled “Row over Mt Wilhelm product” (The National, March 21).
The claim by so-called Wandike Yomba Association’s spokesmen Vincent Dor and John Banda was shallow and baseless.
Their allegation that Kongo Coffee Ltd is using the name Mt Wilhelm to promote its coffee products and making millions of kina not only comes from someone with limited knowledge on tourism promotion, but from an opportunist out to make a quick buck.
How can they call themselves landowners but hardly initiate anything to attract tourists to our highest mountain?
They must also remember that the physical location in their traditional land is a national asset. 
It belongs to the people of Papua New Guinea. 
I feel proud when I see the Mt Wilhelm brand of coffee displayed on the shelves in any supermarkets around the country. 
I also believe that people abroad and around PNG share the same sentiment.
I advise these so-called landowners to come out of their shells and take a reality check.
The locally-owned companies that put Mt Wilhelm on the map are Mt Wilhelm Tourist Lodge and Kongo coffer apart from the tourism promotion authority.
Finally, my advice to landowners is to set up a business along the track so that people can enjoy the coffee.
This is a spin-off business which landowners can take part.


Yagltom Bavo
Womkama Nem