Beware of climate change


IN today’s world where climate change and global warming is a major issue, the international community is emphasising on doing things that will help to reduce and slow the rate at which greenhouse effect is taking place.
The rise in sea level is affecting many low-lying islands, especial in the Pacific.
One of the ways emphasised was to plant more trees.
Having said that, it seems that the message has not got to many people in Papua New Guinea.
In cities such as Port Moresby and Lae, you see people cutting and destroying trees that took ages to grow.
Look at Boroko just outside the police station and Waigani market area.
Many beautiful trees have been cut down unnecessarily.
People have to be conscious of what is happening in the world and plant more trees for the future of this country.
Can those in authority check the management of Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance (Pilag) at Waigani?
Many trees which have taken so many years to mature are now being cut down and destroyed by some private contractors.
Before the campus landscape is laid bare, the board of Pilag should stop this nonsense.
Help save the trees on the Pilag campus from being destroyed by careless people.

Concerned citizen