Bible studies wins Lupari vote

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CHIEF Secretary Isaac Lupari says the Government wants to introduce Bible studies as a compulsory subject in schools.
“Have we embraced Christianity in our country, in our education system, in our workplace?” he asked at the second public dedication service hosted by the Department for Community Development and Religion in Port Moresby on Friday
“It is the task of public servants to make sure that this policy materialises.
“That policy announcement has a clear link to the constitution, the vision, wisdom that was embraced by our forefathers.
“We have to get Bible studies into our schools; that will sustain changes and will solve some of our social issues that we are faced with.
“I believe that If we start getting the policy in place in 2018 with the work of the churches and all the stakeholders and truly get religious teaching as a core subject just like maths, just like science, starting from year 1 to year 12, in 12 years, the kids coming out from that system will change Papua New Guinea.”
Minister for Youth, Religion and Community Development Soroi Eoe said the dedication service was a reminder to honour those important principles as human beings and more so as public servants.
“As a Christian country, what a way to begin our working year with God” he said.
“We need to change our mindsets, this country belongs to all of us, nobody is going to come and do things for us
“Politicians are policymakers, public servants are the implementers, that is why public servants’ mentality and perception about their work should change.”