Board, administration willing to hear grievances


THE Angau Memorial Hospital board and administration are willing to discuss any issues regarding staff, work and other areas, chief executive officer Grant Muddle says.
“The board and myself, we are willing to sit with staff and discuss whatever issues that arise in an orderly and professional manner,” he said.
Muddle said doctors and nurses were also meeting with their respective directors regularly and that also applied to other sections in the hospital.
He made these statements after an in-house strike by staff on Wednesday which saw some sections of the hospital briefly closed.
“I can assure you that the board and myself expect staff to turn up for work as usual as what they are doing is not right,” he said.
Muddle claimed there were only a handful of people who were upset and wanted to go on strike while many were doing the right thing and turned up for work on Wednesday.
Muddle also said some staff had expressed concerns to him that they were bullied into joining the strike and meetings.
Since taking office at Angau in May last year, Muddle maintained that he had not made new rules and regulations for the hospital but only enforced the rules already in place.
“I didn’t make the rule that work starts at 7.45am for example.
“But I do enforce that people are at work at that time, and deduct salaries if they are not.
“These rules and regulations have been in place for a long time, and I am just enforcing them.
“Some people do not like it while others are thriving and delivering their very best in the interest of improving patient care.”