Bribery becoming a necessity


THE phrases ‘cola money’ and ‘save pes’ are common in almost every institution.
When we want to enrol our children at a school, we prepare ‘cola money’ to give to a ‘save pes’ in case something doesn’t work our way.
We think that a little bribery can push things through.
This practice is not only done by non-church goers.
Even pastors are practising this.
Instead of relying on their integrity and having faith on the established systems, they think that ‘save pes’ and ‘cola money’ can push things through.
So what happens if you don’t want to or don’t have ‘cola money’ to give?
What happens if you don’t have a ‘save pes’?
Does that mean your chances of accessing services are limited?

Kenny Pawa Ambiasi
Port Moresby


  • Bro that’s all part and parcel of the bigger corruption story and problem in our country.

    If the “save pes” can say no to the “cola moni” and do his or her job in an honest, and transparent manner, our country will truly move forward in leaps and bounds.

    But due to too much bribery and corruption, our country will remain stagnant.

  • Don’t give Cola & Moni, to achieve which is rightfully ours, if we do from our level, we are promoting corruption at your level, Lets stop it now, when your son is Educated shifting to the next higher levels, they will fight at that level, let start today at our level, which seems impossible but I believe we can do do it….

  • Truth. Every Department goes through the same process. It will only end if all our public servants are chosen through merit, from their education background, their attitudes and their godly hearts.

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