Buai problem needs fixing


IN addition to NCD Governor Powes Parkop’s plan to export betel nut to Saudi Arabia in a bid to stop its sale in Port Moresby, is there a way forward to clean the city which this green gold is spoiling with rubbish and red stains everywhere you look?
I applaud the move made by the governor.
It is a shame that our Gulf and Central governors and Open members have not come out with this idea to move those provinces forward or to help their poor hardworking farmers and stop the betel nut business making a mess in NCD.
The Gulf governor did put a month’s ban after the killing of a Highlander but still the betel nut trade got to Port Moresby.
NCD Governor Powes Parkop, the solution to your effort and the advice that you have got, is the same as a Buai Project Proposal given to Gulf Governor Chris Haiveta by a youth from his own province a month ago.
He should give you this young man’s contact so you can get in touch and kick off this project as the Apec meeting is just around the corner.
I have sighted that project proposal together with his presentation which I know will be an eye opener. It will benefit the farmers in Gulf and Central and it’s the only solution to the mess Port Moresby has found itself in.
All the governors and Open members of this three provinces should work together so solve this problem.

Port Moresby