Budget has no impact on country’s economy

Letters, Normal

The National, Friday November 15th, 2013

 THE so called year-in year-out government budget  to grow our country’s economy by successive governments  has  had   no   impact on the  country at all. 

Year after year, millions and billions of kina have been budgeted targeting the country’s economic, infrastructural development, improving health system, education system and providing effective road networks is ineffective. 

Every  budget remains immeasurable with  escalating  poverty  and crime  rate, poor health  and  education infrastructure, bad roads and other vital government services are in a sad state. 

The falling PNG currency rate speaks for itself. 

Where is the people’s money? 

The quality of living standard has been degraded which causes an increase in poverty line and unhealthy living standards among the Papua New Guineans. 

Now we are talking about another national budget which has been discussed in parliament containing billions of kina. 

Will it benefit poor Papua New Guineans living on the streets and squatter settlements, including those in the remote villages? 

Or will these billions of kina be tucked away by greedy politicians’

PNG is crippled by corruptions and white-collar criminals. 

It seems  that the  country is  stagnant and is progressively moving towards bankruptcy, regardless of  the billions of kina budgeted.

Last year, our government passed in parliament a substantial amount of money for development. 

Yet, today we are not seeing our money at work. 

Living standards are very high. 

Prices of goods and services have grown from bad to worse.

Do  our leaders, including the country’s CEO, realise that? 

Perhaps you are in your comfortable  zone and cannot feel how ordinary Papua New Guineans feel in such terrible times. 

Therefore, I do not think next year’s budget will benefit our country. 

But I think this  budget is only for the greedy criminals and the bunch of thieves both at Waigani and around public service machinery.

 I know they’ve got their shares in this budget to make them richer at the expense of poor Papua New Guineans.

Danny Kapia 
