Bulolo concern about local MP’s dubious advisers


WHY is outspoken Deputy Opposition Leader and Member for Bulolo Sam Basil, the selfproclaimed “anti-corruption ambassador” of Papua New Guinea, associating himself with people of questionable character and dubious background?
The MP has seen fit to engage these people as advisers and consultants, leaving much to be desired as they were “blacklisted” by the Bank of Papua New Guinea for their involvement in the “BSP Capital saga” in 2008 and 2009.
It is a very dangerous trend for the people of Bulolo when their local MP, who has been at the forefront of the fight against corruption, was fully aware of these dubious characters and yet engaged them as his district consultants with hefty consultancy fees.
In addition to the payment of consultancy fees from the Bulolo District Development Authority, one of these consultants is also employed as an adviser with the Opposition and draws a healthy fortnightly pay from Parliament.
This is a clear case of “double dipping” which is being condoned by the MP.
This is a total hypocrisy as Basil has been pointing fingers at the current political leadership about corruption on the one hand and on the other hand he engages dubious people in his backyard.
Concerned Citizen
Bulolo, Morobe