Business community backs call for fire levy


THE business community in Port Moresby supports the idea mooted by National Capital District Governor Powes Parkop for a levy system to fund the fire service.
Port Moresby Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief executive officer David Conn said they had proposed the idea of unified rates notices 10 years ago.
He told The National from Brisbane, Australia, that the levy was proposed when the chamber was represented on National Capital District Commission.
“At the time, the business community was receptive to the introduction of levies for ambulance, fire services, etc, and was keen to be part of the discussions its implementation,” he said.
“I feel that if this is put again to the business community, they would support it as these are essential services. The threat of fire has becoming even more pressing.
“But levies would only be one way of funding such services.
“The municipal authorities should also introduce a mandatory levy on fire insurance policies to counter-fund the process.
“We agree with the governor that the conversation on this must start now before we face more tragedies such as the Tabari Place and Hanuabada fires.”