CAA must remove squatters

Briefs, Letters

I CALL on the Civil Aviation Authorities to check the eastern end of Jackson Airport’s runway towards Dogura.
Another illegal settlement is popping up.
Some dumb and illiterate settlers are relocating there, which is directly in line of the flight path.
I am disgusted that the illegal activity is happening in front of CAA and it is pretending that nothing is happening there.
I am aware through the media of the K500 million airport extension plan announced by Deputy Prime Minister Don Polye.
I call on the DPM to check it for himself.
CAA cannot turn a blind eye as the settlers have already moved in and are building their homes.
The danger is that once the people erect permanent structures and live there for some time, CAA will find it difficult to forcefully remove them because there is a possibility that they might challenge them in court.
CAA must do something before it is too late.


Hau Siba Yawo
Port Moresby