Call to go out, witness crime


NATIONAL Capital District (NCD) Governor Powes Parkop and NCD Commission should leave their comfort zones and take a walk around the city to see what it is like living in areas with high rates of petty crimes.
Several months ago, my wife was robbed when she was on her way to buy firewood near the Erima flyover.
The same happened to me recently at around the same area.
One of the thugs approached me and ordered that I hand him the phone in my pocket.
When I moved back, he pulled out a bush knife from his jeans and tried to swing at me but I quickly moved away from him.
It was scary.
While he was doing that, his other gang members were watching from a distance.
The bystanders were watching helplessly in fear of their own safety.
Please have the city’s auxiliary police stationed at all city bus stops and crime-infested areas.

Plis Kam Aut Na Lukim,
Mosbi Bagarap