More to candidates than just policies


AS the general election kicks off, we have intellects reminding us to seek and understand the policies of intending candidates.
This is believed to pin point the plan a candidate has for the respective electorate/province.
I however, do not believe policies should be the first line of scrutiny when evaluating a candidate.
Why do I say this? Because anyone can come up with eye opening robust policies for our ears, but if the character and integrity of the person is in question, then I’m sorry but we will still fall under the dry spell cycle of leadership.
There’s an old parable in my village that goes, when you see a possum on the tree, do not talk about how you are going make a meal out of it because you haven’t caught it yet; the possum’s chances of escaping is still great.
With that said, I think we should rather look at the personal character of candidates; have some background information of their personal life and question their integrity before looking at their policies.
Then, I think our chances to elect a just leader would be great.

Prentice Walila
POM, Tokarara, Dabara Street