Cases heard, man jailed five years for assault

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A TOTAL of 81 cases were heard in Manus over 10 days during a district court circuit presided by Magistrate Nasiling Bingtau, of Maprik.
Assistant police commissioner, New Guinea Islands, Perou N’dranou said of the 81 cases, 54 were summary cases.
“Nine traffic and 18 were criminal cases. The prosecution was able to secure 48 convictions on summary and traffic matters only,” he said.
He said a man was charged with aggravated domestic violence towards a family member while under the influence of alcohol.
“The defendant used a cement cup and hit the victim with it on the right side of her ear and face. The cement cup broke on her head,” N’dranou said.
“Blood then spilt from the cut and she ran away and reported the matter to the police.”
N’dranou said the victim said it was an ongoing issue of continuous violence and she gave up.
An application was made by the prosecution and the court ordered a permanent protection order against the defendant.
“The court sentenced him on March 5 to five years of hard labour,” N’dranou said.
Prosecution head Sergeant Valentine Agregum said they are pleased with the court’s decision and believe justice had been served in this case.
“This verdict sends a strong message that domestic violence will not be tolerated in our community.
“Lorengau family sexual violence police worked tirelessly to bring this case to justice,” he said.