Central leg of Ipatas Cup starts today at Kwikila


THE Central leg of the Coca-Cola Ipatas Cup will start today at Kwikila station in Rigo, Central, according to tournament coordinator Indy Verena.
Verena confirmed that the launching scheduled for last Sunday at Kwikila rugby league oval had been delayed due to rain. He said his management was expecting the executives of CCIC including chief executive officer Timothy Lepa at the Kwikila launching today.
Lepa confirmed that his management team could not travel to Kwikila last Sunday due to rain.
Verena said they would run two or three games in the morning and the launching would be in the afternoon.
He said the tournament has attracted teams from as far west as Porebada, Boera and Gabagaba
He said out of the eight teams confirmed to take part, only one would win the gold pass to represent Central in the final playoffs.
“We are looking forward to the tournament and hope the best Central team would win the gold pass.”