Central plans new HQ

From left: Kairuku Hiri MP Peter Isoaimo, Rigo MP Lekwa Gure, Central Governor Robert Agarobe at the dedication service on Friday. – Nationalpic by HELEN TARAWA

THE Central government plans to build its new headquarters at its current site at Konedobu, Port Moresby, Governor Robert Agarobe says.
He made the announcement at a dedication service on Friday.
He announced that in line with their plans for rebuilding the headquarters, the Department of Lands and Physical Planning had registered the land on which the headquarters was located.
Agarobe said the land was historic because of what transpired during the colonial times.
“Although Bautama is a better place to build the headquarters, I am forced to build here because of historical significance,” he said.
“We cannot run away from our history and that is why we want to build a proper assembly.”
Agarobe said plans had been made.
“We want to build a political museum, an administrative one, so we know everything that transpired around this city,” he said.
“There will be an amphitheatre built into the assembly so that our people, especially students at upper secondary levels, can come here to understand politics.
Acting provincial administrator Francis Koaba urged public servants to make a difference.
He said the onus was on public servants, as individuals, to make the change.

One thought on “Central plans new HQ

  • Sir Moi Avei will be terribly disappointed to hear this news after all his efforts 20 years ago to plan “Central City” to be built at Bautama. However, the reality is that Bautama is already an outer suburb of Port Moresby.

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