Change flag’s design to reflect Christianity


I THANK Susan Karike Huhume for designing the Papua New Guinea flag.
It has reflected our national face throughout our political reign for decades.
Every spectacle of our values has been showcased through our flag but something is still hindering our progress despite our wealthy status.
Although our flag is a prominent part of our inherited and constructed culture, it is a part of the issues we encounter at our very sight.
There is a prerequisite to review, reflect and repair our flag.
All the essential components are meticulously placed except the flying bird of paradise and our missing Christian identity.
As a Christian nation where we embrace and incarnate the religious ideologies in our constitution, a religious symbol on our flag would be important for our identity.
This alteration would restore our genuine identity for a better and brighter future so that our generations will appreciate that they were part of our what we believe in.

Petrus Gand