Cheating in exams demeans system

Letters, Normal

The National, Thursday November 5th, 2015

 The Government and the Department of Education must not allow destruction of PNG’s Education System again. 

I called up my son on recently to ask how he felt about the math exam he did that day. 

Then a good citizen (Belhat Papa) exposed to PNG about people selling exam papers in advance. 

So what does this mean to PNG’s Education system? 

Can the Secretary for Education answer this simple question to Papua New Guineans through paid advertisements and make us understand what measures it will take not only to comfort the parents?

More importantly, how will the department punish the perpetrators and the students who have purchased the exam papers in advance? 

As a concerned parent, I feel my son’s chances of achieving his dream to enroll at the Univcersity of Papua New Guinea next year have been effectively blocked. 

The same applies to all students in the rural secondary and national high schools. 

An alternative suggestion other is for the Education Minister and Prime Minister to urgently sanction a highly independent investigative body to find out individuals or groups involved in trying to shame the education system and further determine students or schools that may have received the exam papers in advance.

The marking of exam papers should be done in the presence of the investigative team.


Concerned Papa, Via email