Cheshire receives K25,000


A NON-GOVERNMENT and charity organisation that serves more than 6,000 people with special needs in the country lacks funding to continue its services, an official says.
Cheshire disAbality Service PNG board member Kevin Buckby said this during a cheque presentation of K25,000 by stationery and office supplier Theodist Ltd to the organisation.
“The funding that Cheshire receives from the Government is quite small and not enough to run the organisation,” he said.
Buckby said the organisation was always in the unfortunate situation of struggling to run their various programmes due to limited funding. “It’s only by the generosity of companies and individual that Cheshire manages to keep its doors open to provide services to Papua New Guinea’s with a disability.”
Buckby thanked Theodist for its funding assistance and for its support since 2019.
Cheshire disAbality Service programme support officer Tom Sarwon said they were looking after 17 full-time residents, more than 600 active members in Port Moresby and Central, and over 6,000 others throughout the country by providing medication, food, assistance devices, stationery and education to children with special needs.
He said they had been following up on and provide support for other people with disabilities that came through the Cheshire educational programme and were in main stream schools.
Theodist business development manager and former champion swimmer Ryan Pini said the company was proud to give back to the community by helping those who were in need.
“We are very happy to help you out and everyone that you took care of,” he said.