Children’s education begins in family home

Letters, Normal

The National, Wednesday November 18th, 2015

 We teachers acknowledge the views of Concerned Parent in the Letters to the Editor yesterday (The National, Nov 16). 

However, there are so many things you as a concerned parent should know from a teacher. 

I would like to highlight few questions for you and others to answer and understand: 

  1. Do you think Learning happens only at school? 
  2. Teachers welfare;  how much money does the National Government of Papua New Guinea budget for teachers’ salary?
  3. Does a teacher claim over time? 
  4. What was the student to teacher ratio in the past compared to today? 
  5. Have parent/s considered solving social problems that are affecting young people now?
  6. Do you think a teacher have all the time in the world to check word by word in a sentence apart from his/ her classroom teaching? 

If we can answer these questions and others,  I bet we all will understand the whole issue. 


Terence Tuohik

Marianville Secondary School