Christians eyeing 2012 elections

National, Normal


THE Christian Democratic Party (CDP) launched its party campaign last Friday in preparation for the next national general elections in 2012.
CDP leader Pastor Robert Lepatu told Christians and others who had gathered at the Grand Palace Restaurant in Port Moresby that it was time for change and PNG needed strong people with values and principles in life.
“We will be out in full force because I believe the time has come that we, the people of Papua New Guinea, must rise up as a nation and a united family to uphold and share our values if we are going to enjoy and have a better tomorrow,” Lepatu said.
“The nation requires strong leadership based on strong ethics and a caring heart.
“Our leaders and political parties, past and present, have given us a great constitution and a way forward to building a great democracy and a great nation.”
He said when adopting the constitution in 1975, PNG made a pledge, a sovereign declaration to God and to the path “and to those who come after us and our noble tradition of the Christian principles that are now out”.
“Justice is doing what is right to be fair and promote equality without partiality, accountability that is giving acquittals and providing justifications.
“Responsibility that is embracing values and showing the sense of respect, decency and a caring attitude,” he said.
Lepatu said CDP had entered candidates in the past three national elections and, this time, it was going out in full force to win government in 2012.
“Our aim is to field candidates in all national seats as well as all provincial governors’ positions.
“CDP, with its policies, will be a vehicle for change in PNG,” he said.
The CDP function was also attended by Moresby Northeast MP Andrew Mald, former MP Dr Banare Bun and former Australian parliamentarian Allen Cadmen.