Circuit needs office for smoother ops


A CIRCUIT of the Evangelical Luthern Church in Kabwum, Morobe, needs an office to properly manage its operation, secretary Bailim Zirang says.
The Timbe circuit is one of the 10 circuits in Ukata district, Kabwum, which has more than 12,000 members in the eight parishes.
Zirang said the circuit was established in 1987 to manage the affairs of parishioners.
“An Office is an important place in any organisation that enhances its functions and operations,”he said.
But to ensure the circuit has a proper office, church members need to pay their tithes.”
Chairman Esoka Wasingke, treasurer Nathan Nenes and Zirang launched Timbe Mititon in 2017 after the Ukata district conference as a support service project.
Children in the circuit attend nine primary and 13 elementary schools. It also has one health centre and six aid posts.
The 10 circuits in Ukata are Nankina, Teptep, Tapen (Yus), Ulap, Sio, Wewebo (Wasu) , Kabwum, Komba, Timbe and Yalumet.