City port relocated

Business, Normal

The National, Monday September 1st, 2014

 PUBLIC Enterprises and Statement Investments Minister Ben Micah announced the proposed one-stop-site for the hosting of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooporation (APEC) meeting in Port Moresby.

The announcement coincided with the Government’s approval of the purchase of the port of Motukea for the relocation of the Port Moresby Main Wharf.

“The new industrial part of Port Moresby is going to shift away from the existing central business district towards the west.

“We have before IPBC and the ministry large companies involved in the construction of the facilities in other APEC meetings who are willing to step in and develop at the harbour into a possible one-stop-site for the  APEC meeting and then to develop it into one of the most beautiful harbour cities in the world,” Micah said.

“We are looking at the iconic landmark or building that will appear on television and everywhere in the world and will become the icon Port Moresby city.

“We will present some of the proposed concepts so that we can jointly present to cabinet for that area initially for APEC, then develop it into one of the most beautiful habour in the world, ” he said.

Micah said PNG Ports had carried out feasibility studies for the last 10 to 15 years to identify relocation towards Tatana initially, Kanudi and finally Motukea.

“This is one of the most beautiful, accessible safe harbours in the world, any place inside Port Moresby is a nice place that can be used to develop ports,” he said.

Moresby South MP and APEC 2018 Minister Justin Tkatchenko said: “This is a historic event for our city, especially for Moresby South. Having the CBD in my electorate is a blessing in disguise. It will create employment and change the image of our city, it will be an important milestone project and we will work with IPBC for a successful outcome for the benefit of everybody.”

NCD Governor Powes Parkop said they had been pushing for it to happen since 2008.

“It has been our desire that the port should be relocated, the capacity is inadequate in its current location,” he said.

“Our economy is growing, Port Moresby is growing and we need a bigger port. It’s our vision that the beautiful harbour should be accessible for entertainment recreation.”

IPBC, PNG Ports and Curtain Bros signed the letter of intent and will await final clearance by the ICCC and the State Solicitor before they execute the sales purchase contract and start work.