Claims of non-payment dismissed


CLAIMS that the National Identity Registry office has not paid volunteer workers were dismissed by registrar general Noel Mobiha who has said that these were former employees released because they were not performing.
He said the office had a strict policy on performance. “We need people with brains and heart for the work,” he said.
Mobiha said the registry had a young workforce of volunteers of about 27 with higher institution qualifications.
He said the recruitment policy saw graduates work initially for a small amount of remuneration (K100) where performance was assessed and if they maintained a good standard over six weeks they would then have their wage increased to K450 as they learned on the job.
Mobiha said the amount was further increased after three months to K500.
“So you saw in the media that we haven’t paid people, those complaining in the media are the ones that were sacked,” he said.
“We don’t want that type of culture in the public service.”
Mobiha said National Identity Registry staff were trained to work to schedule and this standard was maintained in the registry’s branches around the country.
He said the majority of registry staff were women.