Clarification needed on celebration style


SINCE the Government’s decision last year to ban all provincial day celebrations, Papua New Guineans are confused whether to celebrate or not.
Over the past years, you will notice that homes, parks, cars and public places are decorated in PNG and provincial flags in the days leading up to Sept 16.
This has not happened this year.
School students and the public are restricted from celebrating in the true spirit of Independence.
Some clear directions should be given by the Government about whether people are allowed to celebrate in provincial colours or just the PNG flag.
Governors should make it their responsibility to visit their home provinces for Independence celebrations.
Provincial celebrations should be held in provinces.
Let’s preserve our cultures, our languages and heritage.

Gerard Saleu

One thought on “Clarification needed on celebration style

  • What is your point – provincial days or PNG independence day celebrations?

    16th Sept is our country’s independence day and should be celebrated with the colours of the PNG national flag. No provincial colours nor flags shall be worn and flown on this day but the colours on the PNG flag and the PNG flag to be worn and flown.

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