Clubs warned to pay fees


THE Moresby South Rugby League has warned all clubs to pay their affiliation fees before Friday or their participation would be cancelled ahead of the upcoming season.
League president Brown Murema told The National yesterday that only four clubs had paid their fees.
“We have given all 18 clubs enough to pay their affiliation fees, but we only received payments from four of them,” he said.
“The due date is Friday.
“We might give them until next Friday, but we won’t entertain any date later than that.
“The minimum number of clubs that we are targeting is eight.
“So if four more clubs can pay their affiliation fees in the remaining days then we are happy to start the 2021 season with eight clubs, given four have already paid.
“The other clubs that don’t meet the deadline can sit out the upcoming season and wait for next year.”
Murema said 2021 would be a crucial year for the league as they were in the process of identifying talents for the Moresby South Blacks, who are looking to gain Digicel Cup admission next year.
He said schools rugby league would kick off after the start of the Moresby South Rugby League season, and the league would start at the end of the month.