Column 1

Column 1

Thanks Australia
The biggest stage today to formally thank Australia and its people inside their Parliament in Canberra for the immense support provided to PNG for decades, especially in aid and trade. (While at it, not a bad idea to bring up the NRL 18th team issue too.)
Bad timing
One can sympathise with PM Marape for having to address the Australian Parliament soon after the violence and civil unrest in Port Moresby. Certainly not the best time to be talking along the lines of regional security and investor confidence. Just saying.
Bigger land
Their economies may be bigger than PNG’s but Japan, New Zealand and England are much smaller in terms of land mass compared to PNG’s 462,840 square kilometers. True.
Same spot
A few police vehicles parked at Unagi Oval in Port Moresby around 2pm yesterday brought back memories to passers-by of how the Jan 10 civil unrest started from that same spot. And yesterday just happened to be a pay day for public servants too. Neon lights were flashing!
Head scratcher
Just as we were sitting back and thanking Edevu for fixing the power supply problem once and for all, parts of Port Moresby went without power from Monday evening to Tuesday afternoon. A real head-scratcher that one.
Belly fat
It can be embarrassing especially for men to see their belly roll out of their pants, especially when carrying most of their weight around that area. Often called the bulge or pudge. Not cool.
Food for thought
Knowledge will give you power but good character will give you respect.
Top quote
“It is no longer about aid, but about trade, business, and commerce, so PNG can be strong and contribute economically to the region. This privilege to address the Australian Parliament is to formally say Thank You, as we have never properly thanked Australia for all it has done.” – Prime Minister James Marape.

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