Commission calls for proper coordination of NID registration


The Teaching Service Commission (TSC) has appealed for proper coordination of the National Identification (NID) card registration programme without interference to planned teaching activities.
The Teaching Service Commission chairman Baran Sori said it was a Government policy and it was supporting that.
“What we want to see is teachers turning up at the right time at the registration stations to get themselves registered, and not to use that as an excuse to be absent from teaching,” he said.
“Education Minister Nick Kuman signed a memorandum-of-understanding in December last year between Education Ministry, Education Department, Ministry of National Planning and Monitoring and Office of the PNG Civil and Identity Registry (PNGCIR) to get all teachers registered by March of this year.”
NID registration teams will be going out to all locations in the provinces to get teachers registered.
“We don’t want to hear and see teachers using the registration as an excuse to abandon the classrooms and be absent from teaching duties,” Sori said.
“It is very important that every teacher has to get themselves registered, as that is a way forward to manage their entitlements and welfare.
“What we are concerned is their arrangement in teaching and getting to the location where the registration would be.
“We understand and believe that is a good initiative to help us on how we manage teachers’ data, emoluments, salary and other entitlements – which were some of the major problems Education Department and Teaching Service Commission had been encountering in managing teachers affairs’ in previous years.
“We want to see registration and teaching activities happening together in a well-coordinated manner without disrupting each other in one way or the other.”