Community needs water supply


I WRITE on behalf of the silent majority of city residents in settlements and suburbs that do not have any form of water supply.
The Covid-19 outbreak prevention measures to have hands washed and food properly cooked cannot be effectively adhered to when more than 20,000 plus people in our city do not have access to safe and clean drinking water.
I live at Morata Four and have experienced zero water supply since 2008.
For more than 12 years, a population of 8,000 plus have been denied this basic service.
Even worse, the political leaders for Moresby North West and NCD Governor has been turning a blind eye to this issue over the years.
The situation is life threatening.
The rest of the city may prevent Covid-19 but areas without water supply will easily catch and spread the virus.
Holistic prevention measures are vital and I hope the Covid-19 controller may emphasise this intervention to relevant authorities and political leaders.
Temporary water supply measures will be even better.
It may cost a few millions to save a thousand lives.
This is the fifth time I am raising this concern.
I hope it does not fall on deaf ears this time around.

Morata 4 Lifeless Resident