Company calls for help


A TRUCKING company wants action taken on the criminal activities happening along the national highway saying it is losing a lot of money.
Traisa Transport national operation manager Alan Young agrees with Road Transport Association PNG president Jacob Luke’s call for the safe passage of trucks using the Highlands Highway.
Young said the security problem was making them think twice about continuing.
“We’re held hostage, our trucks not allowed to go, fuels from our trucks are stolen, and our drivers assaulted,” he said.
“It’s not safe for our drivers to go up and down the highway any more. It’s just because people have become greedy and are taking the opportunity every time our vehicles stop or breaks down.”
Young said it was costing the business millions of Kina every year.
“If all us stop and nobody goes up to the Highlands, there will be no food, fuel, and commodities going up to the highlands,” he said.
“We’re a business trying to make some money. But we are not making profit because of the unnecessary cost travelling up and down the highway and being held prisoner by criminals. It is a public road and we have the right (to use it). Such activity has to stop.”