Congregation raises K130,000 for church

Faith, Normal

The National, Thursday July 25th, 2013


THE 136 congregations in the Agiye parish of Zaka circuit, Morobe Post, have raised K136,000 to build a new church.

They travelled to Lae to raise the amount through a basket exchange programme.

The Puseka congregation, in the Lae circuit at Labu Buttu village invited the Dona congregation.

Puseka leaders led by former radio personality Collie Puro guided Yaking Orake, Nana Michael and Peter Katam to work with Dona leaders Timothy Beka, Sedo Kapetegai, Paul Bakec and Saben Buro. 

Kapetegai said in rural communities, “church activities were fundamental elements that enrich human spiritually as well binds people’s lives while involving them in socio-economic activities”.

“Church activities embrace communities, with respect for God as the pillar and creator of all living things,” Kapetegai said.

“Communities continue struggling to build a permanent place of worship.”

The basket exchange programme is a series of church activities involving Bible sharing, devotions, dances, dramas and exchange of gifts and offerings between the host and visiting congregation.

The offering raised was presented to the visiting congregation tomeet the cost of what it aimed to achieve.